Nav Guide front coverIn June of 2010, the State of Maine Navigational Aids Team completed the installation of 68 buoys on Little Sebago Lake marking various hazards, shallow areas, reduced speed zones, and channels. These buoys are maintained by the State and remain in the water year round. This project is a work in progress and the Navigational Aids Team is available to answer questions, look at other areas, and make changes as necessary.

There are a number of “Slow” and “No Wake” buoys, not placed by the State, as well as some “Swim Area” buoys. There are specific requirements for these to be legal, such as permits and compliance with recent laws. Please be aware of this as the buoys not in compliance may be removed.

Buoys are documented on the State of Maine website

The LSLA has developed a Navigational Guide that we hope will be helpful to all who use the lake. This shows how to navigate through both narrows as well as how to read the buoys. It’s full of useful information pertaining to Little Sebago Lake. The guides have been printed and copies are available from the Patrol Boat as well as electronically by clicking here.

Any questions may be sent to