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Spring Dam Closing

Little Sebago Lake Gray/Windham, ME

The Hopkins Dam on Little Sebago Lake will begin the closure process by April 15 to begin bringing the lake up to the summer level. The intent is to be at full height by Memorial Day. FMI: Click Here!

LSLA Golf Classic

The 2nd Annual LSLA Golf Classic at Spring Meadows Golf Club. Join your lake friends and neighbors for a day of golfing, lunching and socializing.

LSLA 2025 Annual Membership Meeting

American Legion Post 86 15 Lewiston Rd, Gray, Maine

✔Mark your calendar LSLA Annual Summer Meeting on July 12, 2025 American Legion Hall • 15 Lewiston Rd~ RT 100 • Gray, ME Doors Open at 8:00 • Meeting 9:00 – 11:00  

LSL Annual Pirate Parade

Little Sebago Lake Gray/Windham, ME

Our Pirate Parade continues to be the event of the summer! This is a time for people of all ages to come together to enjoy family and friends on the lake! The meeting place is at the lower narrows in the middle lake. Folks in the lower lake should start out in plenty of time […]

Fall Lake Drawdown

Little Sebago Lake Gray/Windham, ME

The Hopkins Dam on Little Sebago Lake will be opened on or around October 15 to begin lowering the lake to winter level. Once the dam is opened the lake level will decrease by about 1/2" per day down to -15 to -18" by the end of November, weather permitting. Please schedule boat and dock […]