One line in the Mission statement of Little Sebago Lake Association is our promise to educate users on lake safety. The board of directors takes this very seriously and the Safety Patrol Program is a big part of what we do.

Little Sebago Lake is not the quiet, serene little lake that our elders remember. The days of going up to camp and taking the kids out in the canoe are rare. Being so close to southern Maine and a large population center, it has become an urban getaway. Many of the little camps and cottages along the shore have been renovated and enlarged and are now year-round homes, second homes or rental properties. Most docks that protrude from the shore now have multiple boats secured to them. We may all have that canoe still on the side of the house, but we also have a speed boat, pontoon boat, fishing boat, a couple of jet skis, kayaks and paddle boards. This all translates to a very busy lake with vessels of all sizes and speeds and drivers of varying levels of experience.

So, in response to this change, the program has grown and changed over the years. We now have a dedicated Patrol Boat with a paid crew on board. They are out on the water from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The main purpose of this boat is to patrol the perimeter of the lake, hand out educational materials, life preservers, offer assistance if needed, and be a constant reminder that we take safety very seriously.

We also offer safe boating classes each year that are free to all supporting members of the lake association. These classes range from the National Association of State Boating Law Classes which will give you a lifelong boat driving license good throughout the United States, to private lessons held on your beach for children. We go over proper fitting of life preservers, rescue and throw ring techniques, paddle board and kayak laws, age limits for boat driving and fishing laws.

Warnings and tickets issued chart
Click to enlarge

We hire the State of Maine Inland Fisheries Warden Service to patrol our lake throughout the summer. It seems that knowing the warden is around does keep us more mindful of the laws of the State of Maine!

We work with the Cumberland County Emergency Dispatch Center to assist them if there is a call from the lake. There are predetermined access points for emergency vehicles and if we are able to assist, we will.

Our moto is SAFETY IS NO ACCIDENT. You will see our patrol boat often while on the lake. You can’t miss it. It has been designed to be visible from a great distance. Red, yellow and orange colors scream HERE WE COME! If you see it, give a wave, call us over. We can answer any questions, or just talk to you about joining the lake association.