Watershed Protection Project – Phase IV

The Lake Association is pleased to be working closely with the Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District on an ongoing project to protect the lake’s water quality. LSLA, CCSWCD, and Maine DEP have been working to address erosion issues throughout our watershed since 2002. We were very fortunate to receive federal grant funding from the US EPA using Section 319 funds through the Clean Water Act. The Phase IV funding includes nearly $100,000 of federal grants matched by almost $70,000 of cash match and in-kind services from LSLA, CCSWCD, the towns of Gray and Windham and others involved such as contractors, land owners and road associations.

Heather True is the Project Manager for CCSWCD leading the effort. She meets quarterly with a steering committee made up of the various stakeholders including four members of the LSLA board. One major focus of this phase is to work with the various road associations around the lake to form a cooperative and share resources, ideas and best practices. We hope to address common road problems and pool efforts to obtain discounts on road materials and contractors’ services. Twelve high priority road sites will be addressed with cost-sharing grant funds and engineering oversight. The road association group has already met twice. On Saturday May 16th at 9am the group will meet with Cliff Goodall, an attorney who specialized in private road issues in Maine. All road association leaders have been encouraged to attend – contact Heather for more details.

Work on individual residential sites is also ongoing. Free site visits and technical assistance are offered to any landowner who has erosion concerns about their property. After the site visit, a simple report is prepared to document the issues and offer recommendations and cost estimates. The goal is to compile all residential needs, look into bulk discounts available, and organize a week of potentially reduced contractor services at the end of the summer. Fifteen site visits have been completed since last summer. If you have concerns about erosion on your property, please contact Heather.

Our long-term objective is to develop a sustainable approach to identify and address erosion concerns throughout the watershed to protect the water quality of Little Sebago Lake. This will require dedicated volunteers with the right training and knowledge, and the cooperation of road associations and local contractors working together in years to come. If you would like to help – please get involved!

If you are interested in learning more about these private road and residential programs, please contact Heather True of CCSWCD at 207-892-4700 or htrue@cumberlandswcd.org

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