My parents bought the lot at what is now 10 Eddy Drive, in Gray, in 1955 and started to build the camp in 1956; the year I was born. I spent every summer on the lake until I was married in 1981. From 1981 through 2012 my wife (Cindy) and our two children visited frequently. My father passed away in 1996 and when my mother went into an assisted living facility in 2013 (she passed away in 2014), Cindy and I spent the summers of 2013 through 2018 there.
After Labor Day 2018, we turned over the camp to a builder, for demolition, and built a year-round home (it will always be called Camp) in its place. We moved in on June 15, 2019. We have two children and five grandchildren, from ages one to seven, who all visit us frequently at the new camp.
I am an Engineering graduate of the University of Maine and am a licensed Civil Engineer. I work at the Maine Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) where I am the Gas Safety Manager and oversee the safety of Maine’s Natural Gas Distribution companies and certain propane distribution systems. Prior to joining the MPUC, in 2009, I was the Manager of Engineering and Operations at Maine Natural Gas for ten years. From 1983 through 1999 I was a Civil Engineer at Central Maine Power Company (CMP).