In the summer of 1963, Debra’s grandfather, Harold Craven, purchased the Cushman Bakery family camp on Cambell Shore Rd Since that time, Debra, her parents, three siblings and their families have enjoyed all the wonderful privileges that summering on Little Sebago provides. “Growing up on the lake is an experience I wish every child could enjoy” said Debra. She and her husband Mark continue to pass these joys on to the family that now spans 5 generations.
After spending over 50 years soaking in the beauty of Little Sebago Lake, Debra feels compelled to take a more active role in assisting with its preservation to secure its future as one of the best lakes in Maine. Debra is currently the Executive Director of Gary’s House; a hospitality home for the family members of hospitalized patients and brings her years of experience in non-profits, marketing, public relations and fundraising/development.