Cheryl grew up in Farmington, Connecticut but has spent most of her adult life living in Ridgewood, New Jersey with her husband Allan and their two children. Allan introduced her to Little Sebago Lake and they would visit Allan’s Aunt Viv, who lived on the lake, during the summer and winter- making wonderful family memories over the years. Cheryl and her husband thought about relocating to Maine “some day” but only if they could live on Little Sebago. In 2013 they found their spot on the lake, decided to take a leap of faith and moved to Maine in 2014.
Cheryl’s background is in sports marketing and she has worked for the Hartford Whalers, New York Rangers, Nabisco Brands- and most recently at Cooper and Oliver Stationery and the Ridgewood Running Company. She has served on many PTA boards at her children’s schools and also on the board at Temple Israel in Ridgewood. An avid runner, she has run the New York City marathon three times.
Cheryl joined the board in 2014 and welcomed the opportunity to help protect the lake we all love so much. Cheryl was very impressed with the talented and committed people that make up the LSLA Board. She currently serves on the membership committee.