Betty Caton

Betty Caton joined the Board in 2023, 44 years after discovering the joy that is Little Sebago!

Betty grew up in Portland where she and her husband, Don, live in her family homestead.  Their children were the 5th generation of Betty’s family to live at Holly St.  Often that home is now the scene of the energy of the next generation, 4 granddaughters, who visit and enjoy it’s history.

Betty & Don were first on the lake in 1979, on Turtle Cove.  Returning to Portland in 1984 when expecting their 3rd child Betty promised Don they would one day get back to the lake.  They did so that next summer renting a camp on Mt Hunger Shore Rd for 2 weeks each summer for the next 19 years.  In 2004 they were priviledged to purchase it from the original owners, the Curriers and continue to enjoy their summers “upta camp”.

Betty coordinates Audubon’s Annual Loon count, held the 3rd Saturday in July, having been trained and passed the torch for our original Loon Lady, Dorothy Bates.  She is also one of the Loon Rangers, helping keep track of our loon population. Now retired after 30+ years in various roles in insurance she decided to bring her love of the lake to the Board and join in the great work that has been and continues to protect our lake for future generations.

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