Little Sebago Lake Association was well represented at the Maine Milfoil Summit held on Friday, February 26,2010 at University of Southern Maine Lewiston-Auburn. Our current association president, Pam Wilkinson, and our past association president, Carol Ann Doucette, attended the required workshops on GPS/GIS mapping and courtesy boat inspection procedure respectively.
Lots of good contacts and information was gained. The information will be presented to the board of directors and plans and procedures implemented. The LSLA is extremely lucky to have these tireless volunteers leading the battle against milfoil infestation in our lake. Opportunities to support your lake community are always available and it takes more than a dedicated few.
Your board of directors is busy with a presentation Tuesday 3/2/2010 to the Windham Town Council requesting funding support in our milfoil efforts. With over $280,000 in tax dollars coming directly from Little Sebago Lake watershed properties preservation of the tax base is important. Our Federal Grant requires matching the $40,000 we hope to receive and our request to both the towns of Windham and Gray would help if granted.
Tremendous planning efforts take place behind the scenes during the winter months. A strategic planning workshop session was held on a recent Saturday to review, plan, document and archive the work of your association. Our MindManager planning document and more and more associated archive documents are now available to your board electronically rather than in a stack of paper in a cellar or closet.
Our fleet will be in the water before we know it and all the efforts require prior planning and work. Maintenance and repair efforts are underway and planning for the milfoil control efforts are being made. Divers, equipment testing and certification, boat captains and crews are all being lined up and planned for. Hazard marking buoy plans and locations are under discussion, safety boat activities and staffing are also being planned.