LSLA Funding Appeal

On December 7,2010, LSLA Board of Directors President Pam Wilkinson made a presentation to the Gray Town Council. She gave an update on the progress LSLA has made in controlling milfoil in Little Sebago Lake outlining the amount and location of milfoil removed along with the paid time and volunteer time involved. Continued financial support from the Town of Gray was requested. Last year Gray gave $8,000 towards this effort. In the past two years the support form the Town of Windham has gone from $10,000 to $3,000 to zero last year. It was noted after the meeting in a conversation with a Windham Independent reporter that a 17% to 20% decline in property values could occur if the milfoil was not controlled – with many high value properties bordering the lake this could have a devastating effect on the property tax revenue. The full article in the Windham Independent is available here.

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