Click the play button in the middle to start viewing the live video stream.

Thank you LPC!

Shoring up the Post during our First Year with the LoonCam

The Little Sebago Lake Association is hosting this live stream loon camera at one of our frequently successful nesting sites. The camera was purchased used from the Loon Preservation Committee. They have included hours of guidance and support with this project – truly a wonderful partner. The system is connected through an internet service located on one of our generous lakeside property owners. Without our neighbor’s cooperation and assistance, this project would not have happened. We are all blessed to have such great organizations and neighbors willing to help one another.

If you are out boating in middle lake and see this camera mount we ask that you stay clear of it. There may be underwater power lines from mainland to the post, and out to the island as well. Although the wiring has some protection, the depth of the water during summer months is only around three feet or less making the cabling very susceptible to prop damage, so please be careful. It will be removed after the end of nesting season.

About YouTube’s Controls

Below is an explanation of the features YouTube provides to their users. Do not be afraid to explore their use, that’s why they are there.

  • Mousing over the video turns on the user controls. They only stay on for a couple seconds so be quick!
  • The red line is the recording time. By dragging the end of the line back to the left, you can review the past few minutes recorded. To return to live, simply click on the “Live” label.
  • At any time you can stop or “Pause” your video stream. It only affects you, not others.
  • There is a volume adjustment with a mute option.
  • The “CC” option is for closed-captioning of any voices. Sorry, it won’t translate loon language. 😉 If you are curious about their sounds, click here.
  • The settings gear icon will let you slow down the video and lock down the quality of the video. The latter is important if the quality keeps jumping to a high value then a lower value causing you distraction. Locking in the lower value may help with the experience. Most of the time you will find this is not necessary to adjust.
  • The casting icon (box with wifi symbol on the corner) is used to send the video to a TV equipped to receive it. It uses a technology called Chromecast to accomplish this.
  • The other icon that looks like a dashed box will let you watch the stream in full screen mode. To exit, use the “Esc” key on your keyboard.
Enjoy and let’s all hope for a successful nesting and hatching!

LoonCam Clips

The following highlight clips were saved from the actual stream. They can be played by clicking on the red play button in the center of each clip.

Mating May 8th

Mating May 9th