Statement of Purpose

Milfoil Militia

Little Sebago Lake Association has been battling invasive hybrid form of variable milfoil (referred to as milfoil) since it was first brought to our attention in 1999. Since the then various techniques have been implemented until now the utilization of two HIPPO’s (Hydraulic Invasive Plant Processing Operation) along with divers who dig up the roots of the plant and feed it into a suction hose for the captain and crew to bag for disposal.

Our purpose is to:

  • Continue the operation to keep the milfoil from spreading until the DEP approves another technique.
  • Target areas late in the spring that have signs of growth and remove prior to the July 4 th holiday so increased boat traffic will not break up the plant for it to float to other areas or attach to boats and equipment for transfer to other lakes.
  • Document each year where the milfoil have been found, how much has been removed and compare provide that information to the State DEP, Towns of Gray and Windham’s Councils and constituents.
  • Raise awareness to shoreline property owners on the value of techniques to mitigate phosphorus overload to the lake causing increased native and invasive plants to grow.
  • Keep abreast of other invasive threats to the lake and educate lake property owners.
  • Demonstrate the difference between native and invasive species and plants. Encourage keeping native plants to discourage invasive plant growth to the bottom of the lake.
  • Provide a safe working environment for our crews.

Current Members

  • Pam Wilkinson – Committee Chair / Board Member
  • Tim Greer – Board Member