Fleet Upgrade Progress

Our request for help in upgrading our milfoil removal fleet has been heard. We were able to obtain a new Mercury 4 stroke motor, controls and installation at a very attractive price from White Rock Outboard in Gorham at 351 Sebago Lake Road. This expenditure on a long term asset will allow more efficient removal of the milfoil from our lake. Other upgrades and maintenance items are being repaired and replaced on both HIPPO boats as well as our newly designated Safety Patrol Boat. The boat from longtime resident Mr. Mallory, has been reworked and will become our new Safety Patrol Boat. The old 28 foot poontoon boat has been sold and the proceeds from the sale used to offset the upgrade and maintenance costs of the entire fleet. An additional pump for the sand removal boat has been purchased which will allow for moving the sand a little further for more even distribution. This fleet member is used exclusively for returning the sand to the shore at the lower narrows and eliminates the costly, permit laden task of winter dredging every two years. It’s not only more efficient but significantly less expensive.

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