Fleet Upgrade Help!

The milfoil removal fleet of the Little Sebago Lake Association is in need of upgrading. We will be doing some much needed upgrades to the pumps, hoses, and critical parts on the HIPPO?s and are in need of a replacement motor. The old 2 cycle Force motor has given us many years of service, but the time has come to replace it. Our other active HIPPO boat has a 4 cycle Mercury motor, and we would like to standardize our fleet. A 4 cycle Mercury motor, 40 HP or more, long shaft, would be ideal.

If you are planning to upgrade your motor, know of an available motor, or would like to contribute to our effort, we need your help. It’s frightening to think what Little Sebago would look like had we not started the milfoil removal effort almost 10 years ago. We are clearly on the road to slightly more than a maintenance effort and rely heavily on our HIPPO boats to continue the success of this program.

If you can help, know of a source, or need a year-end tax deduction, please let us know at info@littlesebagolake.com or leave a message at our phone number 207.809.4706.

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