Heather True recognizing LSLA
Heather True, Project Manager for the Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District, recognized the LSLA with the following presentation at their 70th annual meeting on October 19th.
Each year the District selects a partner we have worked with that has shown consistent dedication to understanding and conserving natural resources to recognize as our Conservation Partner. This year, I am pleased to recognize the Little Sebago Lake Association as our 2016 Conservation Partner.
The Little Sebago Lake Association has partnered with CCSWCD for over 15 years in identifying and addressing polluted runoff sites threatening the water quality of Little Sebago Lake. Over this time, LSLA has been involved with two polluted runoff watershed surveys, four large-scale watershed improvement projects, yearly water quality testing, and an extensive invasive milfoil eradication program. LSLA has formed a number of committees to address the various interests of the lake association including the fairly recent formation of an NPS or polluted runoff committee to primarily assist with addressing erosion issues. With these projects and others, LSLA’s heavily involved Board of Directors and impressive lake association membership has provided effective outreach and education presentations, materials, and communication through a highly used Facebook page and website all in efforts to protect the health of the lake.
Over the past couple of years, LSLA has partnered with CCSWCD on the Phase IV Little Sebago Lake Protection Project. Through this project, LSLA has strengthened its private road network communication, established a BMP (best management practice) of the year program, and created a yearly LSLA residential matching grant program offering up to ten $500 matching grant awards to address erosion sites and prevent excess sediment from washing into Little Sebago Lake.
In 2006, we were proud to recognize LSLA as our Outstanding Stewardship Group. Due to their continued overachieving involvement with the lake’s protection, we are proud once again to recognize LSLA as our 2016 Conservation Partner.