Another milfoil battle won!

We received this nice email from a group in Massachusetts that visited Little Sebago Lake to observe our milfoil removal efforts. This is part of the information sharing and exchange that occurs constantly.

Subject: We have a won

A Massachusetts Deptartment Conservation and Recreation Partnership Matching Grant for the use of a DASH boat this summer in a very sensitive area of Lake Cochituate at the State Beach/boat ramp and the Natick’s Evergreen Wells. The winning of this grant is a major achievement accomplished by many citizens of Natick. You, from Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and the western part of MA, all contributed in such important ways to our success. Please, celebrate this success with your own membership. Tell them how grateful the grassroots group, Protect Our Water Resources, (POWR) is to those of you in Maine and New Hampshire who nvited our team to spend time on your harvesters so that we could return home and begin a stronger initiative supporting your hardwork and dedication. Your generosity of time and your willingness to share your experiences, helped to move our goal forward towards using a DASH and not chemicals in this area of our lake. Your yearly success gave us the hope that the DASH could be useful on Lake Cochituate. We were desperately searching for an alternative to chemicals. Thank you so much and I look forward to sharing our success with you in the fall. Best of luck this summer, once again, and in furthering your campaigns to use more DASH boats in the future. Carole Berkowitz, Chair of Protect Our Water Resources, Natick, MA

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