2020 Annual LSLA Membership Meeting

Change Notice: The Annual LSLA Membership Meeting for 2020 has been moved from an in-person gathering to virtual due to the pandemic concerns and the State’s quarantine policy. Join us for updates from the LSLA Board of Directors and learn of important happenings on Little Sebago. Let’s pack the virtual room while keeping a safe distance.

  • Date: July 11th, 2020
  • Time: 9am ET
  • Where: Online!

How to join? Watch you email! A link will be sent out by email prior to the meeting. Do we have your email? Go to https://littlesebagolake.com/support-us/#join-us to update your contact information or to give us your information so we may contact you with a meeting access link.

Spinning a Better Web Experience

To help improve your experience with our virtual meeting, here are some tips to help improve your Internet performance.

Love Your Devices!
Time to refresh them and give them new life! Unplug your wireless router, count to ten, plug it back in. Did your internet service provide set you up with a separate modem? Unplug it and plug it back in too. This will refresh your device’s memory flushing out any bad information that could affect your Internet access speed.

Don’t Be Far Out!
Try to use your computer as close as possible to your wireless router. If the router is at one end of the house and you are at the other end, then the signal could be weak enough to cause slow speeds and drop outs. Getting close with your router will make your time on the Internet much more pleasant.

Get Wired!
Wireless is cool, but running a network cable (AKA, Ethernet cable) from your computer to the router will give you a much more stable connection. If there is any other interference from neighbors’ wireless routers or other wireless devices, then they could interrupt your wi-fi connection causing slow speeds or even drop outs. A wired connection will never be interfered with from other wireless devices.

Too Much Tab Will Take You Down!
Are you one of those users that have dozens of tabs open in your internet browser? The more the merrier? Well, not so fast – literally. All those tabs are still connected to the internet and all are slowing you down on the one tab you are currently using. If you can’t close them because you don’t want to lose that super-important information, then use another browser for the virtual meeting. There are great choices out there that won’t cost you anything to use, such as Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera, to name a few.

Beware of the Hijacker!
Viruses and malware are dirty words on the web that basically steal not just information on you, but also steal your internet performance, sometimes slowing it down so much it makes your computer crazy (and you too!). Be sure to have good protection on your computer to make sure there’s nothing installed that is slowing you down.

Zoom Meeting FAQs

  • Q. What if I have trouble logging into the meeting?
  • A. Zoom has online help you can use to get assistance. The chat feature may be the best for expediency. We recommend testing your computer with Zoom in advance of the meeting to help ensure a trouble free session. Go to https://zoom.us/test to test your computer.
  • Q. If I opt to use the dial number in using my phone, will I be able to participate?
  • A. Unfortunately, due to the size of the audience, all members will be muted. Those using a computer will be able to use chat to ask questions. Those using a plain, non-smart phone will at least be able to listen in.
  • Q. Zoom wants me to download a program. Is this that spyware I keep hearing about?
  • A. No! Their program shouldn’t cause any issues. Since the pandemic started, many organizations have depended on their software to keep in touch. You do not have to use their downloaded app to connect to the meeting, using the browser option is fine. There is limited functionality when not using their downloaded app. For the best experience, you may want to download their app and use it!
  • Q. What about my shopping fix? How do I buy my raffle tickets?
  • A. We really enjoy all the fun our members have checking out our latest merchandise and lining up to buy raffle tickets for the wicked cool prizes every year. Fortunately, we have our merchandise available online to window shop for as well as our raffle tickets. Please take advantage of our online shopping experiences!
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