2016 Annual Meeting

There are not enough thank-yous for all those who made our 2016 Little Sebago Lake Annual meeting a success. Information overload from three great presentations with Warden coverage, Watershed Protection and our Hopkin’s Dam maintenance plus financial status, endowment program, membership, data base management, strategic planning, by-law and policy review, fund raising, safety patrol program, courtesy boat inspection, social media and website reviews, newsletters, educational programs, scholarships, lower narrow management, working with local, state and federal governments, Milfoil program, loon protection, water quality testing, island communications, and Pirate Parade with Lake Fun day! (That’s a mouthful!) Your caring professional board of directors who volunteer countless hours with pride are what allows this lake to create memories for generations to come. Wishing you all an enjoyable and safe summer!!!

Pam Wilkinson
President, LSLA

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